Today we peek inside the current situation in Israel: how Netanyahu sold his people to Pfizer/BioNTech & Co, conducting mass-experiments on the populace, dividing the nation into a two-class society with a 𝓖𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝓟𝖆𝖘𝖘-push, thus entirely ignoring the Nuremberg Code.
Israel’s health officials were desperate. Pfizer announced: their vaccine was “95% effective VS COVID-19”.
Israel had ordered millions of doses from Moderna & AstraZeneca, the Pfizer/BioNTech-miracle cure was missing in their stock.
How did Israel subsequently acquire an estimated four to five million doses of the Pfizer miracle in December 2020 — enough to vaccinate at least two million people in Israel?Netanyahu wanted to outdo himself and show that he could single-handedly save the nation, thus the world.
“a mechanism to facilitate the availability and use of medical countermeasures […]. Under an EUA, FDA may allow the use of unapproved medical products.”
To avoid misunderstandings at this point: Phase 3 clinical trials have a minimum duration of 2–3 years.
In other words: The safety of these experimental gene therapies hasn’t been established yet at all, no matter what Big Pharma PR-think tanks are trying to push. There is simply not enough data available, couldn’t be obtained in context to serious, long term adverse effects.
mRNA technology used in these vaccines is experimental. No other vaccines using this technology have been approved. The long-term risks are unknown.
The images below show Ribosomes, they translate the information to proteins, so called “antigens”.
Ribosome Molecular Maya Render (left), Ribosome PDB Structure 4V5D, PyMol View (both images derrive from PDB entry:, test-render (left) by Bobby Rajesh Malhotra
The video below is a greatly simplified promotional video by CurVac and it of course doesn’t really get into the potential risks or side effects, but explains the general concept of the mRNA platform and its supposed promise.
Indication: short-term risk of harm from vaccine is greater than the risk of dying from COVID-19.
IFR Rate in Israel, John Hopkins
adverse event rate CDC (right)
10th Dec 2020, FDA’s advisory committee meeting, Dr. Kathrin Jansen, Pfizer’s lead representative:
“[…] explore whether our vaccine is efficacious VS asymptomatic infection. […] we hope- […] we hope that we’ll have those analysis completed very soon in the new year.”
In other words:
Pfizer did not test whether vaccinated people could also become infected and spread the infection. It is entirely possible that the vaccine is no defense against infection.
“[…] we have data, not from humans but from non-human primate study, that would argue that the vaccine does prevent infection […]”
“would argue”
Pfizer found that vaccinated monkeys did get COVID-19 despite being vaccinated.
Dr. Jansen extenuates after the “would argue the vaccine does prevent infection”-statement: those vaccinated primates had a shorter duration of infection(!); this does not alleviate her initial confession. Transcript below, mimics, 7 hours 29 mins in:
Dr. Jansen “would argue” the study results mimics
Transcript Screenshot of that part
26th January 2021, WHO about Moderna:
“We don’t know whether the vaccine will prevent infection & protect against onward transmission. Immunity persists for several months, but the full duration is not yet known.
The widely publicized and pushed “90%-95% effectiveness” narrative & claims are debunked, the acknowledged lack of evidence for the protective value of both mRNA gene therapies nullifies the PR-stunts.
he claimed need for these experimental “miracle cures”.
Nonstop fearpr0n-propaganda resulted in nonstop demand, global panic was the key to success. Public health officials discarded the precautionary principle in medicine: “First, do no harm”, despite serious uncertainty, officials acted full speed ahead, with mass vaccination.
Shocking: Netanyahu assigned the nation’s health to Pfizer, entering into a secret contract, enrolling the Israeli population to become guinea pigs, without their knowledge or consent:
Screenshot Front Page, Real World Epidemiological Evidence Collaboration Agreement:
Under the “Real World Epidemiological Evidence Collaboration Agreement”, the government signed a commitment to vaccinate the entire seven million adult population and to provide weekly data on its citizens during a 24-month surveillance follow-up study.
Screenshot “Real World Epidemiological Evidence Collaboration Agreement” / “Principles of Collaboration”
The government disregarded potentially serious medical risks from the experimental vaccine, risks to privacy:
Through their centralized universal healthcare system, insurers maintain 40 years of digitized medical records, incl. vaccination records for each Israeli citizen.
This centralized system helped Israel administer more than 2 million doses of the vaccine in under a month. In exchange, Israel received priority delivery of millions of doses of the vaccines. World Economic Forum (who else?) is celebrating the ongoing mass-propaganda stimuli 4 the masses.
Screenshot “Real World Epidemiological Evidence Collaboration Agreement” / “Obligations of the Israeli Government”
Patient-data protection is loosely mentioned only once as “de-identified”, no further strict data regulations in regards to patient data privacy are defined. Pfizer is even not “obligated to return or destroy Project Data or Results’’ in case of agreement-termination. L҉O҉L҉
Screenshot “Real World Epidemiological Evidence Collaboration Agreement” / “Patient Data Obligations”
Pfizer seeks to obtain basic safety/efficacy info that it lacks — to be eligible for a FDA license.
No vaccine has ever been administered to millions of ppl without having met safety & efficacy requriements before, normally obtained via controlled clinical trials prior to public distribution.
Pfizer needs to demonstrate the vaccine-effectiveness VS. infection-prevention.
Serious adverse effects need to be identified, frequency, duration.
Risk for children, pregnant women, elderly identified, weighted VS benefits.
“[We] have been given little information at all and that includes complete opacity of data on the unfolding outcomes of adverse reactions currently taking place.” Ilana Rachel Daniel, Arutz Sheva
Dr. Nachman Ash, Israel’s national pandemic coordinator.
Make no mistake: Ash is a corrupt puppet nevertheless.
The CEO of Pfizer literally said Israel is the “lab of the world”. The entire indemnification clause of the contract is redacted. The reason Israel got the vaccine: It’s a highly organized police state. Also for diplomatic leverage.
Screenshot “Real World Epidemiological Evidence Collaboration Agreement” / “indemnification clause” is completely redacted
Should pregnant women be exposed to an experimental vaccine?
One of the most notorious cases of criminal human rights violations involved Pfizer’s unapproved clinical trial conducted in Nigeria: experimental antibiotic drug Trovan tested on 200 children, deceiving parents by falsely claiming: it was an approved therapy for meningitis.
In fact, Pfizer sought to obtain data so that their drug could get the FDA approval; a process that should have taken at least a whole year (or longer) was rushed through in six weeks, much like the testing process for its Covid-19 vaccine was rushed.
𝓖𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝓟𝖆𝖘𝖘-push, introduced on 21st Feb 2020
“With 43 percent of Israeli citizens inoculated w/ […] the jab […] by Pfizer & BioNTech, the cabinet moved to permit malls, open-air markets, museums & libraries to reopen next weekend,[…].”
The two tier system has the goal to divide the nation into a two-class society: people who refuse to take the vaccine, lockdown will continue indefinitely, making taking the jab de facto mandatory.
Netanyahu has entered the realm of fascist systems. No downplaying possible.
This is clearly a breach of the Nuremberg Code in every aspect, Israel is not only the “lab of the world” for “experimental gene therapies”, it’s now the playground and prototype for a totalitarian micro-management system to divide nations into first & second class citizens.
“People who get vaccinated need to know that something has changed for them, that they can ease up,”
“People want to know that they can have some normalcy back.”
says Nadav Eyal, a prominent television journalist.
Storybook-downplay on the breach of the Nuremberg Code.
The 𝓖𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝓟𝖆𝖘𝖘, in both digital and paper form, is available to anyone who has received two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. People who have recovered from the virus, indicating acquired immunity, but have not been vaccinated are not eligible.
Screenshot Homepage “My Green Pass”
It is a QR-Code indicating “the user’s health status […].”
Body Temperature, Test Result, Location.
Status: Green, Yellow, and Red.
“The 𝓖𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝓟𝖆𝖘𝖘 can be scanned by anyone that needs your health status, allowing them to grant you access to a particular area.”
Screenshot Homepage “My Green Pass”
“𝓖𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝓟𝖆𝖘𝖘 is perfectly suited to the these scenarios (but not limited to those): People can show their 𝓖𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝓟𝖆𝖘𝖘 code to gain access to stores, buildings, appointments, and other restricted areas.”
𝓖𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝓟𝖆𝖘𝖘 focuses also on travel.
Screenshot homepage “My Green Pass”
Though shops, malls and museums are open to all, the 𝓖𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝓟𝖆𝖘𝖘 confers exclusive access to restricted sites like hotels, gyms, theaters, music venues, synagogues, indoor dining restaurants, bars and beaches and other leisure facilities.
Photos ongoing restrictions and “exclusiveness” for “Green Pass” holders in Israel
“Anyone who thinks it is a child’s game and will print a certificate even though he has not been vaccinated will eventually be caught and this activity could also end with a jail term,”
Yuli Edelstein said.
BIG LOL Yuli Edelstein, you must be the biggest noob on the planet.
Ran Bar-Zik, an expert on cybersecurity, wrote in a Facebook post Tuesday.
Screenshot Facebook post by Ran Bar-Zik on QR-Code Security
You must be the dumbest government on the planet:
The QR code on 𝓖𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝓟𝖆𝖘𝖘 has no encryption, corresponds directly to a string of text, with the holder’s personal info, including name, ID number, date of vaccination, identical to the text printed on the pass itself.
Screenshot of a governmental issued QR Code for print
“Whoever scans the false pass will see the exact same details as are printed on the pass, and there are already tens of thousands of people forging,”
Bar-Zik exclaimed.
A black market for counterfeit vaccination certificates is already thriving.
“The 𝓖𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝓟𝖆𝖘𝖘 is also a potential privacy nightmare”,
Orr Dunkelman, a computer science professor at Haifa University, board member of Privacy Israel.
Those checking credentials don’t need to know, such as the date a user recovered from COVID-19 or got a vaccine.
The app also uses an outdated encryption library that is more vulnerable to security breaches, Orr says, because the app is not open source, no third-party experts can vet whether these concerns are founded.
“This is a catastrophe in the making,”
Ran Bar Zik, Haaretz.
Down the toilet goes the “decentralized badge” claim by the app developers.
Not only is the app not open source to really check for backdoors, we have to assume that nothing the app developers promise is true, moreover the app code was assembled in an unorganized manner.
Besided the current dichtomy of the nation, meanwhile the people are terrorized in various forms, modern state terrorism, no one would have thought to be possible before in lights of Israel’s actual past history. Israel adopts law allowing names of unvaccinated to be shared.
Here is a cry for help by Ilana Rachel, with an urgent message to the world — giving us an insight into the totalitarian developments conducted by Netanyahu.
“Shame on them”, is an understatement, the downward spiral goes much deeper.
The Israeli people are waking up, the compliance level is slowly breaking apart, they are looking through the various levels governmental terrorism.
A resistance has formed , vast amounts of people are protesting against the dichotomy and the selling out to Pfizer.
The atmosphere in Israel is poisoned to the absolute core, the state terrorism reaches daily new heights not to be imagined possible before.
Jews VS. Jews.
The dichotomy of society, the sell-out to Pfizer, the illegal human experiments, the rigorous censorship have now finally been the straw that broke the camel’s back. This wiki summarises the chronology of events. (Google Translate Hebrew to English)
Photo demonstrations in Israel and police force with water guns
“Researchers” Hebrew University: Faculty Law & Deparment of Philosophy in Jerusalem have published a lampoon justifying the distinction between Vaccinated & Unvaccinated Individuals, restrictions that apply to Unvaccinated Individ. at the time of the pandemic.
It’s a waste of time, it’s a disgrace by the Hebrew University to release a justification for the breaches of the Nuremberg principles.
Screenshot of the actual lampoon in English language
Meanwhile Netanyahu & his officials are on a berserker trip to tear their nation further apart. New arrivals at airports in Israel are “welcomed” with a so-called “Freedom Bracelet”, what an oxymoron, a bracelet to track your status at your quarantine spot of your choice.
Pfizer has all the past patient data & can attribute any collateral damages to past illnesses found in the individual records, the raw data is in their hands and classified.
We are not allowed to talk, read, see about it, but we are allowed to hear about it. Right?
“The list continues, but cannot be brought here in its entirety due to time constraints.”
Pfizer has turned out to be a corporation with giant black mailing-traits, please note, officially not a terror orga. While Albert Bourla is celebrating “hope”, he’s quite nervous, asking for military bases, sovereign assets as a guarantee for vaccines.
Netanyahu bets all on vaccine success to secure election win. He has pinned all his election hopes on COVID-19 vaccines, which he made front and center of his campaign.
Netanyahu has opened up Pandora’s box in various aspects, not only are the protests evolving…
That does not stop Netanyahu, he wants to be the prototype totalitarian fascist state for the world, and guess who jumped the wagon first? The Austrian prime minister Sebastian Kurz. He was the first to propose the Green Passport as a European solution.
“Hailing Jewish state as ‘an inspiration,’ European leaders say nations will partner on vaccine production to prepare for future crises”
Photo: Netanyahu, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen visit a Gym in Modi’in, March 4, 2021.
In Israel, Sebastian Kurz wants to talk above all about joint production of vaccines with Pfizer. The Chancellor assumes a need for another 30 million doses, which will be vaccinated once a year to about six million people.
“You can never have enough vaccines”, insists on producing it himself.
Von der Leyen has jumped the 𝓖𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝓟𝖆𝖘𝖘 propaganda-train too:
“The Digital 𝓖𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝓟𝖆𝖘𝖘 should facilitate Europeans‘ lives.
The aim is to gradually enable them to move safely in the European Union or abroad — for work or tourism.”
Screenshots: The Court of The Hague acceped the complaint for violating the Nuremberg Code
Same fate awaits Sebastian Kurz and all the other EU technocrats (& Young Global Leaders) who are trying to breach the Nuremberg Code. 21st Century Nuremberg Trials are inevitable.
The Ringworm Children: A Jewish Genocide
“The ringworm affair refers to circumstances involving an alleged number of up to 200.000 Jewish individuals treated between 1948 & 1960 for tinea capitis (ringworm) with ionizing radiation […] within Israel.”
The Nuremberg Code; the most important document in the history of medical research ethics standards. The foremost ethical principle of the Nuremberg Code is as relevant today as it was in 1947:
“The voluntary, informed consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.”
Informed consent is “absolutely essential” because it affirms the human right of the individual to accept or reject.
Screenshot — Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights
Medicine is not like a commodity; medical decisions are personal, requiring the weighing of benefits against risks. Medicine often involves life and death decisions.
Without informed consent of the individual, medicine can be, and has been, weaponized.
Under Operation Warp Speed, the dangerously abbreviated clinical trials were far too short to document the scope or severity of vaccine adverse effects.
“Contract with Pfizer is a clinical study: Reading the contract signed between the Israeli government and Pfizer, it is clear, […] that this is a clinical study for all intents and purposes, thus, it needed to be approved by the Helsinki Committee.”
“There’s nothing wrong w/ clinical trials, […], but clinical trials (human trials) must get committee approval, and of course, from the ppl on whom the trial is being conducted, while giving the right to refuse to be part of the trial. These are very basic matters.“
Update — The Helsinki Committee failed:
“After publication of the Calcalist report, Helsinki Committee Chairman Prof. Eitan Friedman issued a denial, saying that he and the entire Helsinki Committee continues to recommend the vaccine in those not contraindicated…”
Fail #2:
“the vaccine is not a clinical trial, based on clinical study, it is based on experimentation. There is no connection between the vaccine and a clinical test.”
Dr. Tehila Schwartz-Altshuler:
“Anyone who might claim this is not a clinical study is simply a liar.”
In the end, truth and justice will prevail. There will be 21st Century Nuremberg Trials. It is only a matter of time. The sooner the better.
No matter how it ends No matter how it starts Forget about your house of cards
10/: IFR in Israel is 0.7% (J.Hopkins, 6.3.21). Adverse event rate after the vacc was 2.79% (CDC, as of 18.12.2020 -mass vacc. start). Indication: short-term risk of harm from vaccine is greater than the risk of dying from COVID-19.
Signed up for 1+2, or for eternity? Can't authorisation post eua be reliant upon transparent data??